Saturday, February 15, 2014

Now is the winter...

Now is the winter of our discontent.

Especially if you try to get out and run a bunch or ride a bike or get in a good hike or heck, even get to work.
Frozen gack
Black ice
At least the days are getting longer.

The first real winter we've had in three years has caused havoc with the training schedule for Spring races. Havoc with the work schedule as we've been off enough days to make us have to flip schedules around. Not happy. 

Been spending time on the trainer in the Pit of Despair (the basement) spinning up the miles. Running three times a week. One noodle run, some speed and a long. Pushing metal around, juggling kettle bells and doing squats till the calves come home. Getting out for anything has been a battle. I should have joined a gym.

Been dealing with a cold/flu that won't go away. Picked it up after the Disney races. ML came down sick post race and me a few days later. I just can't shake it. Feeling better lately but still manky after a hard effort.

Have to get my business together if I am really going to get out to The Challenge Atlantic City race. 
(Iron distance race - 2.4 mile swim, 112 on the bike and a marathon) Have not been in the pool since last fall and then only for a few days. Heck the winter weather has me so discombobulated I had planned to do several indoor triathlons that are now only a few weeks away!

If I don't get in the pool soon, I'll end up under a car park.


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